That's something totally different I have decided to talk about today.

I have been involved into a project last summer related to landscape photography and that is a game changer.

Something "universal", like in "never change", about landscape photography is the fact that, we, landscape photographers have this chance to be able to take the picture of a scene according to what we feel at the moment.

We feel a mood and we have this ability to translate it into a fantastic picture.

That's where the project TourScapeKeepers was a mind opener to me.

Simple question: What about people out there that aren't landscape photographers at all... That doesn't know nothing about photography but are able to feel the emotions of a beautiful scenery ?

And until now the answer has always been: They go to any stock photography platform and try to find a copycat of the scenery that shaked them out...

Until now, we, landscape photographers are feeding the public with our very own emotions and feelings. But the public is unable to have a pictured transcription of their very own feelings from their souvenirs and memories...

Personaly, when I write this last line down, I'm wondering myself if we are really in 2020. Era of the internet of anything and everything possible.. Right ?

That is the reason why TourScapeKeepers service is born.
Giving the chance for anybody out there to get a large print of their very own gorgeous landscape memories.

Those unforgettable sceneries that are most of the times shot with a standard smartphone camera; but deserve real proper photography technic to be revealed on a large print and hanged on a wall.

I have quickly tested the service and gone through all its functionalities for photographers and clients.

It is clear to me that the service is bringin something new on the table, searching its place on the market and that there are things to improve.

It's the very first service offering the ability to the public to get what they want in term of landscape photography. Therefore proposing one new trend in the domain that should find its place aside the already stock photography services.

Interestingly for us landscape photographers, as the service is new, they offer free access until december 31st 2020, which is a good thing.

I'm glad that this kind of offering is finally available. Afterall it's 2020, the year to embrace a new era in landscape photography.